Bolted joints

Bolted joints are common in steelwork , and care should be taken to ensure that the correct bolts are used. Standard “black” bolts are used for normal connections, and generally carry loads in shear, but are generally specified by their tensile strength. Care should be taken that the specified bolts (and nuts) are not mixed with ungraded bolts that may be on site for other purposes. High strength friction grip bolts (and nuts) are made from higher-grade steel, and are torqued to transfer loads by friction between the steel members.

Overview of Bolted Joints and Mechanical Properties

The ISO metric bolted joints and their mechanical properties are presented in this section as background information. Figure 12.1shows the nomenclature for ISO metric threads. The ISO threads can be described in the form of M d × P and a coarse pitch is assumed when P is omitted in the specification. The following parameters are used to define the ISO metric thread geometry:
H = height of fundamental triangle in mm
P = pitch in mm
D = major diameter of internal threads (nut) in mm
D1 = minor diameter of internal threads in mm
D2 = pitch diameter of internal threads in mm
d = major (nominal) diameter of external threads (bolt) in mm
d2 = pitch diameter of external threads in mm = d − 0.649519 P
d3 = minor diameter of external threads in mm = d − 1.226869 P
α = thread (flank) angle

A through-bolted joint and a tapped thread joint (also termed a screw joint) are the commonly used joint assemblies in the automotiveindustry. The through-bolted joint and the tapped thread joint are abbreviated to DSV and ESV in VDI 2230, respectively. Figures  depict the sections of these joints subjected to an external axial load and their theoretical deformation (pressure) cone shapes.

The following variables are used to define these bolted joints:
DA = diameter of the interface surface of circular clamped plates
DK = diameter of the deformation cone at the interface surface of circular clamped plates
Dkm = effective diameter of bolt head or nut-bearing area
dw = diameter of a washer head
dh = clearance hole diameter
lK = total clamping length
h = thickness of a clamped plate
φD = deformation cone angle for a through-bolted (DSV) joint
φE = deformation cone angle for a tapped thread (ESV) joint
z = distance from the washer (bearing) surface
dz = distance increment from the washer (bearing) surface
The induced internal forces and externally applied loads to a bolted joint are introduced here. The induced bolt preload, clamp loads, balanced thread torque, and under-head torque in a bolted joint due to an assembly tightening torque are shown in Figure 12.4, and the applied loads to a through-bolted joint are illustrated in Figure 12.5. The following symbols are used:
FM = bolt preload load due to MA
FA = axial force on the bolted axis
FQ = transverse force normal to the bolt axis
MA = applied assembly torque
MG = thread torque
MK = under-head torque
MB = bending moment at the bolting point
MT = torque (twist moment) at the bolt position at the interface
Induced bolt preload, clamp loads, balanced thread torque, and under-head torque in a bolted joint due to an assembly tightening torque

Some design guidelines for hex cap screws, coefficients of friction on various contact surfaces, and mechanical properties are presented. The recommended clearance hole diameter and the minimum bearing diameter of hex cap screws for a specific ISO metric thread are shown in Tables 12.1 and 12.2.
Thread DiameterClearance Hole dh (mm)

Thread DiameterWidth across the Flats (mm)Bearing Diameter dw,min (mm)
Moreover, Tables 12.3 through 12.5 summarize the coefficients of friction in the thread, in the bolt- or nut-bearing area, and between the clamp plate interfaces, where
μG = coefficient of friction in the thread
μK = coefficient of friction in the bolt or nut-bearing area
μT = coefficient of friction between the clamp plate interfaces
μGExternal Thread (Bolt)
Black Oxide or PhosphatedZinc PlatedCad. PlatedAdhesive
RolledMachinedMachined or Rolled
Internal Threads (Nut)SteelPlainMachinedDry0.12 to 0.180.10 to 0.160.08 to 0.120.10 to 0.160.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.140.16 to 0.25
Zinc Pl.0.10 to 0.160.12 to 0.200.10 to 0.180.14 to 0.25
Cad. Pl.0.08 to 0.140.12 to 0.180.12 to 0.14
Cast IronPlain0.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.16
Al-AlloyPlain0.08 to 0.20
Note: MoS2 = molybdenum disulfide (Moly-lub) lubricated.
Source: Adapted from Marbacher (1998).)
K)Bolt Head
Black Oxide or PhosphatedZinc PlatedCad. Plated
Cold HeadedMachinedGroundCold Headed
Material of Joint MembersSteelPlainGroundDry0.16 to 0.220.1 to 0.180.16 to 0.220.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.16
Machined0.12 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.120.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.120.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.08 to 0.180.08 to 0.14
Zinc Pl.0.10 to 0.160.10 to 0.160.10 to 0.160.10 to 0.180.16 to 0.200.10 to 0.18
Cad. Pl.0.08 to 0.160.08 to 0.160.08 to 0.160.08 to 0.160.08 to 0.160.08 to 0.160.12 to 0.200.12 to 0.14
Cast IronPlainGround0.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.180.06 to 0.16
Machined0.14 to 0.200.10 to 0.180.14 to 0.220.10 to 0.180.10 to 0.160.08 to 0.16
Al. Alloy0.08 to 0.200.08 to 0.200.08 to 0.200.08 to 0.20
Note: MoS2 = molybdenum disulfide (Moly-lub) lubricated.
Material CombinationStatic Friction Coefficient in the State
Steel-steel/cast steel0.1 to 0.230.07 to 0.12
Steel-grey cast iron0.12 to 0.240.06 to 0.1
Grey cast iron-grey cast iron0.15 to 0.30.2
Bronze-steel0.12 to 0.280.18
Grey cast iron-bronze0.280.15 to 0.2
Steel-copper alloy0.07
Steel-aluminum alloy0.1 to 0.280.05 to 0.18
Source: Adapted from VDI 2230, published by Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin (2003).
Table 12.6 shows the mechanical properties for metric steel bolts, screws, and studs, and Table 12.7 illustrates the ratio of ultimate shear strength to ultimate tensile strength for various materials, where
RmS = ultimate tensile strength of the external threads (bolt) in N/mm2
RmM = ultimate tensile strength of the internal threads (nut) in N/mm2
RP0.2min = minimum 0.2% yield strength of the external threads in N/mm2
τBM = ultimate shear strength of the internal threads in N/mm2
τBS = ultimate shear strength of the external threads in N/mm2
Strength GradeRP0.2min (N/mm2)RmS (N/mm2)
MaterialsτBM/RmM or τBS/RmS
Annealing steel0.60
Austenitic (solution heat treated)0.80
Austenitic F60/900.65
Grey cast iron0.90
Aluminum alloys0.70
Titanium alloy (age-hardened)0.60


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